Your information will be used to recruit candidates for the RSPCB Recruitment JEE/JSO in 2023. For the 59 Posts of Junior Scientific Officer and Junior Environmental Engineer (53) at RSPCB, a notification for the JEE/JSO Recruitment 2023 has been released. Our application forms may be filled out starting on October 18th. A written test and document verification will be used to make the selection.
Contact us:-
Company name:- Engineers Academy
Business Mail id: engineers.academy.india@gmail.com
Address : 100-101-102 Ram Nagar, Bambala Puliya, Tonk Road, Pratap Nagar, Jaipur 302033
Phone: 8094441777
Website: https://www.engineersacademy.org
App Link: https://bit.ly/47O0RLh
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